UNBRANCHED3 Expression and Inflorescence Development is Mediated by UNBRANCHED2 and the Distal Enhancer, KRN4, in Maize
Yanfang Du aff001; Lei Liu aff001; Yong Peng aff001; Manfei Li aff001; Yunfu Li aff001; Dan Liu aff001; Xingwang Li aff001; Zuxin Zhang aff001
Působiště autorů:
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, P.R. China
Vyšlo v časopise:
UNBRANCHED3 Expression and Inflorescence Development is Mediated by UNBRANCHED2 and the Distal Enhancer, KRN4, in Maize. PLoS Genet 16(4): e32767. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1008764
Research Article
Enhancers are cis-acting DNA segments with the ability to increase target gene expression. They show high sensitivity to DNase and contain specific DNA elements in an open chromatin state that allows the binding of transcription factors (TFs). While numerous enhancers are annotated in the maize genome, few have been characterized genetically. KERNEL ROW NUMBER4 (KRN4), an intergenic quantitative trait locus for kernel row number, is assumed to be a cis-regulatory element of UNBRANCHED3 (UB3), a key inflorescence gene. However, the mechanism by which KRN4 controls UB3 expression remains unclear. Here, we found that KRN4 exhibits an open chromatin state, harboring sequences that showed high enhancer activity toward the 35S and UB3 promoters. KRN4 is bound by UB2-centered transcription complexes and interacts with the UB3 promoter by three duplex interactions to affect UB3 expression. Sequence variation at KRN4 enhances ub2 and ub3 mutant ear fasciation. Therefore, we suggest that KRN4 functions as a distal enhancer of the UB3 promoter via chromatin interactions and recruitment of UB2-centered transcription complexes for the fine-tuning of UB3 expression in meristems of ear inflorescences. These results provide evidence that an intergenic region helps to finely tune gene expression, providing a new perspective on the genetic control of quantitative traits.
Klíčová slova:
Ears – Gene expression – Gene regulation – Chromatin – Inflorescences – Luciferase – Maize – Plant genomics
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